Saturday, August 24, 2013

Week 3 Update...Feeling GREAT! Thoughts on Cheat Days!

So it is time for a week three update. I didn't make it yesterday, work has been crazy exhausting. Being full time is not too many hours more than what I use to work, but we are short handed and it is making work tiring.

But anyways, Thursday morning I weighed in at 131.5lbs, so finally lost more. Down to the final week, three total pounds lost, but I can feel a difference. I know I won't hit the ten pound goal I had originally set, but at the same time a loss is a loss, and I have lost inches and weight. I hope to at least get under 130lbs, which I know I can achieve with a week of hard work. So yesterday, I had a bit of a cheat day...breakfast and lunch were on point, but my dinner was a little crazy. I just didn't feel like keeping within my calories. Marco and I also went out for a couple of beers after he got out of work. It was awesome though, I put on shorts and a shirt and even after a slight pig out for dinner, my shorts were loose and baggy around the thighs. I was excited!

I am a firm believer in cheat days and having fun. I also believe it is entirely possible to have a good breakfast and a good lunch and have a few beers and greasy food for dinner and start back over the next morning OR have a good breakfast, a large lunch and go back to the plan for dinner. One meal does not have to define the day or the plan. I had my usual one egg on a flax sandwich roll with cheddar cheese, chili powder and sour cream for breakfast after my pig out night last night. Life is about moderation, seriously. If you cut out the things you like and overdo the healthy foods then eventually one day you will just stop doing it and go back to every bad habit. This is why I believe most people regain the weight they lose. It is because they do not allow themselves a break; whether a cookie or a few drinks or half of a pizza. You can have those moments and still lose weight because the next meal or next day can be on track and you feel good about yourself because you didn't deprive yourself the pleasure of that sweet or salty or greasy food. I also think that exercise is a great help in making getting back on track easier. If you work out before you indulge, you don't feel as bad and then you should make a point to do some sort of physical activity the following day to make you remember that enjoying yourself is fine as long as it is in moderation and that you continue going for your goals.

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