So it is time for a week three update. I didn't make it yesterday, work has been crazy exhausting. Being full time is not too many hours more than what I use to work, but we are short handed and it is making work tiring.
But anyways, Thursday morning I weighed in at 131.5lbs, so finally lost more. Down to the final week, three total pounds lost, but I can feel a difference. I know I won't hit the ten pound goal I had originally set, but at the same time a loss is a loss, and I have lost inches and weight. I hope to at least get under 130lbs, which I know I can achieve with a week of hard work. So yesterday, I had a bit of a cheat day...breakfast and lunch were on point, but my dinner was a little crazy. I just didn't feel like keeping within my calories. Marco and I also went out for a couple of beers after he got out of work. It was awesome though, I put on shorts and a shirt and even after a slight pig out for dinner, my shorts were loose and baggy around the thighs. I was excited!
I am a firm believer in cheat days and having fun. I also believe it is entirely possible to have a good breakfast and a good lunch and have a few beers and greasy food for dinner and start back over the next morning OR have a good breakfast, a large lunch and go back to the plan for dinner. One meal does not have to define the day or the plan. I had my usual one egg on a flax sandwich roll with cheddar cheese, chili powder and sour cream for breakfast after my pig out night last night. Life is about moderation, seriously. If you cut out the things you like and overdo the healthy foods then eventually one day you will just stop doing it and go back to every bad habit. This is why I believe most people regain the weight they lose. It is because they do not allow themselves a break; whether a cookie or a few drinks or half of a pizza. You can have those moments and still lose weight because the next meal or next day can be on track and you feel good about yourself because you didn't deprive yourself the pleasure of that sweet or salty or greasy food. I also think that exercise is a great help in making getting back on track easier. If you work out before you indulge, you don't feel as bad and then you should make a point to do some sort of physical activity the following day to make you remember that enjoying yourself is fine as long as it is in moderation and that you continue going for your goals.
This blog will talk about a variety of different things...including, but not limited, workouts, weight loss, crafts, parties and life in general. As I start planning my wedding, that process will be blogged about also! I wont leave you disappointed!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
How I Workout....Weights, Starting Slow and Building Up and Variety!
So a day off today. Before I start having a very needed "me" day...I wanted to drop in and give some updates.
I realized that although I keep promising workout ideas, I just vaguely cover it and move on so today I think I am going to share my routines. I am working on getting a video or two of me doing the workouts, but not as of yet. I have been doing cardio for about five months now, but weight lifting has only been the last three months. I believe in building up your muscles and not starting to quickly. When I first started all my upper body weights were 10lbs and my legs were 50lbs. I also increase based off of reps. For example I start at 10lbs, 2 sets of 10 and then increase to 3 sets of 10 and then on to 2 sets of 15, 3 sets of 15 and when that feels easy...I increase the weight and start again. I currently am at 20lbs for my upper body at 2 sets of 10. My legs are still at 50lbs, but I do 2 sets of 15.
I do a wide variety of weights, including machines and free weights and calisthenic type workouts (push ups, sit ups, squats, dips). My free weights workouts are bicep curls, bench press, shoulder shrugs and other workouts that I'm not sure the name of but one works my triceps and the other my back muscles. I also do not dedicate one day to legs and another to arms. I split it up each workout. We have four different leg machines, so I do two different ones each time I go to the gym. Everyday I do crunches and try to do some form of cardio. I use to do treadmill every time but realized it was killing my legs on days I ran with my dad and brother so now I switch it up. For example, Saturday I did 13 minutes on the stationary bike and then Sunday I ran 1.5 miles with my dad and brother (almost beat my brother too!) and then yesterday I did 10 minutes on the stationary bike. Today is another run (1.2 miles) and tomorrow I might take my bike out for a spin before work or go relive the elliptical (it use to be my go to cardio until I got back into running). I believe that it is definitely better to switch it up because it feels good and keeps the workouts from being boring. It is also the reason I do not dedicate one day to legs, one to arms (or other variations)...I do a variety each time I go to the gym so that I am never bored.
My home workouts are obviously different. I don't have weights in the traditional form (I really do want to buy some free weights and maybe even a medicine ball or resistance band...maybe Christmas list ideas?), but I make it work. I use my old textbooks that I never sold back and full shampoo and conditioner bottles. I usually do circuit style workouts...a minute of jumping jacks, 50 crunches, 10 squats, 5 push ups and repeat three times. Sometimes I add in dips or a plank or wall sit. Even thought it's not as high intensity as the gym or a 20 minute run, I enjoy doing it because it is different and keeps my body from feeling a routine.
Routine can kill your chances for weight loss eventually, or so in my case. I can always get under 130, usually barely (129)...but then I guess my body gets use to running all the time or whatever...and I stay there and then eventually I go back up. That is why I now add in different types of cardio and keep switching up my workouts. It has really helped my body, my mind and my health.
I'll be back on Friday with Week THREE updates! I will try to get a video or two tomorrow :)
I realized that although I keep promising workout ideas, I just vaguely cover it and move on so today I think I am going to share my routines. I am working on getting a video or two of me doing the workouts, but not as of yet. I have been doing cardio for about five months now, but weight lifting has only been the last three months. I believe in building up your muscles and not starting to quickly. When I first started all my upper body weights were 10lbs and my legs were 50lbs. I also increase based off of reps. For example I start at 10lbs, 2 sets of 10 and then increase to 3 sets of 10 and then on to 2 sets of 15, 3 sets of 15 and when that feels easy...I increase the weight and start again. I currently am at 20lbs for my upper body at 2 sets of 10. My legs are still at 50lbs, but I do 2 sets of 15.
I do a wide variety of weights, including machines and free weights and calisthenic type workouts (push ups, sit ups, squats, dips). My free weights workouts are bicep curls, bench press, shoulder shrugs and other workouts that I'm not sure the name of but one works my triceps and the other my back muscles. I also do not dedicate one day to legs and another to arms. I split it up each workout. We have four different leg machines, so I do two different ones each time I go to the gym. Everyday I do crunches and try to do some form of cardio. I use to do treadmill every time but realized it was killing my legs on days I ran with my dad and brother so now I switch it up. For example, Saturday I did 13 minutes on the stationary bike and then Sunday I ran 1.5 miles with my dad and brother (almost beat my brother too!) and then yesterday I did 10 minutes on the stationary bike. Today is another run (1.2 miles) and tomorrow I might take my bike out for a spin before work or go relive the elliptical (it use to be my go to cardio until I got back into running). I believe that it is definitely better to switch it up because it feels good and keeps the workouts from being boring. It is also the reason I do not dedicate one day to legs, one to arms (or other variations)...I do a variety each time I go to the gym so that I am never bored.
My home workouts are obviously different. I don't have weights in the traditional form (I really do want to buy some free weights and maybe even a medicine ball or resistance band...maybe Christmas list ideas?), but I make it work. I use my old textbooks that I never sold back and full shampoo and conditioner bottles. I usually do circuit style workouts...a minute of jumping jacks, 50 crunches, 10 squats, 5 push ups and repeat three times. Sometimes I add in dips or a plank or wall sit. Even thought it's not as high intensity as the gym or a 20 minute run, I enjoy doing it because it is different and keeps my body from feeling a routine.
Routine can kill your chances for weight loss eventually, or so in my case. I can always get under 130, usually barely (129)...but then I guess my body gets use to running all the time or whatever...and I stay there and then eventually I go back up. That is why I now add in different types of cardio and keep switching up my workouts. It has really helped my body, my mind and my health.
I'll be back on Friday with Week THREE updates! I will try to get a video or two tomorrow :)
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Week Two is OVER! New Photos, Updates and Insights! week two is over with! It is in the books and above is my update photos. I feel like there is some difference and although unfortunately there was no weight loss between week one and two, I'm still 132.5, I did lose inches. I lost a total of 4.5 inches since August 1st.
This week is going to be a lot of working out and no cheat days. This is mostly just because I work a lot and so does my fiance, so I can put even more effort into my challenge. Although I feel so much better about how my clothes fit and how I feel. :)
I still firmly believe a sweet or some junk food is totally okay in moderation. I just want to give a great week of dedication into my workouts!
August 1st-
Weight: 132.5
Hips: 33.5
Waist: 27
Bust: 36
Arm: 12.5
Leg: 20.5
August 15th-
Weight: 132.5
Hips: 32
Waist: 26
Bust: 34
Arm: 12.5
Leg: 20.5
Monday, August 12, 2013
Halfway Through Week Two!!!
Hello Readers! So Week Two is almost up...Thursday, I weigh in and take new measurements and photos! I have been feeling so good. My pants are even looser! Last entry I told you I was going to have videos from my gym...and well I took two and both files are too large so tonight I'm going to take two shorter ones and put them on Thursday!
I did take pictures of my gym though...
I use a variety of the machines and the free weights. I love doing triceps, bicep and various other arm exercises with the free weights. I love to use the machines in my gym for some arm workouts, but especially for the leg exercises. Cause those are the hardest to do without a machine (except for my home workouts when I do squats and lifts). The machine in the middle right is my favorite ab machine. I don't like using the ones with weights and such because at home I have to do them differently...and this machine is easy to mimic at home. The treadmill is also good for me to use to push myself speed wise...because when I run with my dad and brother, I need to push brother runs FAST! :) I have definitely improved. And I LOVE LOVE working out...whether its swimming laps, running, walking, lifting weights, circuits or video game workouts!
One of my biggest better eating habits is to focus on moderation and serving size. I mentioned this slightly before...but its true. I serving of most chips is 6-12 many of us really only eat that much? I do, because I make sure to count out a serving size, which allows me to satisfy a craving and not binge later on and to keep my calories, sugars, carbs and sodium in check. I never tell myself that a food is off limits because I am losing weight or getting in shape...everything is ok, in moderation and as the "treat" or small part of your meal. Most of the time, with my yummy main food...the 6-12 chips or fiber one brownie or glazed donut is all I have room for. :)
Be back on Thursday with new measurements, photos and another weigh in!
I did take pictures of my gym though...

One of my biggest better eating habits is to focus on moderation and serving size. I mentioned this slightly before...but its true. I serving of most chips is 6-12 many of us really only eat that much? I do, because I make sure to count out a serving size, which allows me to satisfy a craving and not binge later on and to keep my calories, sugars, carbs and sodium in check. I never tell myself that a food is off limits because I am losing weight or getting in shape...everything is ok, in moderation and as the "treat" or small part of your meal. Most of the time, with my yummy main food...the 6-12 chips or fiber one brownie or glazed donut is all I have room for. :)
Be back on Thursday with new measurements, photos and another weigh in!
Friday, August 9, 2013
Week One COMPLETE!!! RESULTS! Three Weeks left of 30 Day Challenge
So here I am! Week One results are officially in!!! :) I am happy to announce that after one week of my 30 day challenge..I am down 2 pounds. I weighed in yesterday morning at 132.5! In my post on Monday I gave a few meal ideas so today I thought I would give a few of the workouts I do to stay active. I want to take a video and post it, but haven't had the chance...but I'm hoping tomorrow I can change that.
I am lucky enough to live in a neighborhood with a gym and I can use it because my family stays up to date with their HOA's. But not all of my workouts involve my gym and the ones I do away from the gym require little to no equipment and are easy and quick! :)
My gym workout usually is broken up into two sets and cardio. It ranges from .25 miles on the treadmill and 1.5 miles. I do free weights and machines, varying which exercises I do each day I go so that I don't do too much on any specific muscle group. This is the stuff I'll try to get some videos of over the weekend to post in my mid week two update post :)
But there are days that I just do not feel like taking the five min walk to the gym, but I still make sure to get a workout in. How? Where? In the comfort of my home and through circuits. One of my favorite heart pumping circuits is a minute of jumping jacks, 50 crunches, 5 push ups (hoping to increase as my arms get stronger) and 10 squats. I like this cause I work my heart, arms, abs and legs. I usually do the circuit three times and then break for a minute. When I first started, I could only go through it once, but I built it up and you can too! I also like to use full shampoo bottles or textbooks I never sold back as weights for arm workouts.
But I also believe fresh air is good too. In 2012, for my birthday I got a was the only thing I asked for. So, I definitely enjoy bike rides (especially since you can go wherever and however far you want) and try to stay out for at least twenty minutes to get a good cardio workout in. My dad, brother and I also go running two nights a week outside and walking one night. We run 1.5 miles, 1.2 miles and walk 2.5 miles. :) It is definitely fun trying to race and beat each we get to talk and catch up about everything during our warm ups and cool downs (on the run days) and the whole time for the walk. I am an advocate for getting family involved. It really is my favorite part of the day those days...and I will actually make plans with friends AROUND those runs/walks with my dad and brother. I use the Nike running app to track my runs/walks, calories burned, miles completed and just as a log.
Working out does not have to be work or something you dread...find something you enjoy and go with it. I love even going out dancing with friends when we all can and burning calories that way, or by swimming laps and just having fun in the pool. There are so many great water workouts that require like nothing except your own body weight! I even use Just Dance on XBox, or The Biggest Loser workouts on the Wii or Wii Sports.
It's all about wanting a change and making that change happen. You have to put in the effort, but the results will show...give it time!
I mean...I lost two pounds in a week...and I had a major cheat day (4 beers, wings, fish dip, rib rolls and sweet potato fries)...and managed to satisfy my sweet tooth each day and feel full and happy about after my meals. It's all about moderation and keeping track of calories consumed and calories burned but allowing myself to have days off from working out and days to just enjoy a few drinks or some high calories. My next post will be a combination of meal ideas, video of workouts and my thoughts on food and moderation.
August 1--weighed in at 134.5
August 8th---weighed in at 132.5
I am lucky enough to live in a neighborhood with a gym and I can use it because my family stays up to date with their HOA's. But not all of my workouts involve my gym and the ones I do away from the gym require little to no equipment and are easy and quick! :)
My gym workout usually is broken up into two sets and cardio. It ranges from .25 miles on the treadmill and 1.5 miles. I do free weights and machines, varying which exercises I do each day I go so that I don't do too much on any specific muscle group. This is the stuff I'll try to get some videos of over the weekend to post in my mid week two update post :)
But there are days that I just do not feel like taking the five min walk to the gym, but I still make sure to get a workout in. How? Where? In the comfort of my home and through circuits. One of my favorite heart pumping circuits is a minute of jumping jacks, 50 crunches, 5 push ups (hoping to increase as my arms get stronger) and 10 squats. I like this cause I work my heart, arms, abs and legs. I usually do the circuit three times and then break for a minute. When I first started, I could only go through it once, but I built it up and you can too! I also like to use full shampoo bottles or textbooks I never sold back as weights for arm workouts.
But I also believe fresh air is good too. In 2012, for my birthday I got a was the only thing I asked for. So, I definitely enjoy bike rides (especially since you can go wherever and however far you want) and try to stay out for at least twenty minutes to get a good cardio workout in. My dad, brother and I also go running two nights a week outside and walking one night. We run 1.5 miles, 1.2 miles and walk 2.5 miles. :) It is definitely fun trying to race and beat each we get to talk and catch up about everything during our warm ups and cool downs (on the run days) and the whole time for the walk. I am an advocate for getting family involved. It really is my favorite part of the day those days...and I will actually make plans with friends AROUND those runs/walks with my dad and brother. I use the Nike running app to track my runs/walks, calories burned, miles completed and just as a log.
Working out does not have to be work or something you dread...find something you enjoy and go with it. I love even going out dancing with friends when we all can and burning calories that way, or by swimming laps and just having fun in the pool. There are so many great water workouts that require like nothing except your own body weight! I even use Just Dance on XBox, or The Biggest Loser workouts on the Wii or Wii Sports.
It's all about wanting a change and making that change happen. You have to put in the effort, but the results will show...give it time!
I mean...I lost two pounds in a week...and I had a major cheat day (4 beers, wings, fish dip, rib rolls and sweet potato fries)...and managed to satisfy my sweet tooth each day and feel full and happy about after my meals. It's all about moderation and keeping track of calories consumed and calories burned but allowing myself to have days off from working out and days to just enjoy a few drinks or some high calories. My next post will be a combination of meal ideas, video of workouts and my thoughts on food and moderation.
August 1--weighed in at 134.5
August 8th---weighed in at 132.5
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Bullying is a Serious Issue....What Can We Do?
I know this isn't my usual type of post, but I have always wanted to do more to put an end or at least make others aware of bullying in all forms; verbal, physical, cyber, mobile...because in the days of the world wide web...bullying has taken on a new life form.
My cable was out last night, so I turned on my Netflix and decided to finally watch The BULLY Movie, the documentary that followed the lives of kids being bullied and focused on two sets of parents that had lost their child because of bullying. It was heart wrenching. I cried within the first five minutes. It brought me back to my school years, from fifth grade through high school when I was bullied. In my younger years it was mostly verbal; gossip, lies and rumors but when I got into 8th grade and high school, the Internet also became a place for my peers to bully me. When I was younger, I was picked on for my weight and my hair (which basically stayed the same until sometime in high school), so I tried everything to get skinny. Then, I was picked on and had rumors spread about me being a slut and other horrible things. I could not escape it. I was always too scared to say anything. I use to cut and I thought of suicide on many different occasions, just to escape the whispers and loneliness I felt.
I remember in seventh grade, my group of "best friends" actually had an I hate Lenore club...I found out about it only because the "best friend" played both sides. She would be so friendly to me and we would hang out and have sleepovers and at school they would all talk to me, but then also be very secretive with each other. One night at the girl's house, she had fallen asleep before me, so I went through her note box (back then everyone kept notes they had written in class and such) and found notes between her and guys in my class and my supposed friends all saying how they hated me and I was so ugly and fat and on and on. She use to even have the guys rate the girls and she always made sure I saw how close to the bottom I was. She was a bully. I think I finally realized how badly I was being treated when I was at another one of the girl's houses for a birthday party sleepover. I was excited to, it was boy-girl and we played truth or dare. When my so called "best friend" dared this one guy to kiss me he got a disgusted look and refused, so everyone laughed. I actually remember calling my mom from the kitchen and having her pick me up...knowing they were going to make fun of me as soon as I left...but not wanting to be there because they were going to make it a horrible night for me.
I wish I could say I stood up for myself and so forth, but really what happened was over the summer I spent time with new friends that I had met in my neighborhood and lost weight and gained confidence and friends (real ones) and switched into a magnet program (so I no longer saw those girls) and the leader switched schools. Ironically, I just ended up dealing with a new group of bullies.
And it continued, different bullies, different years, different lies and rumors and reasons.
It needs to stop. I want to help, but I'll admit I don't know exactly how to. I want to organize something; a 5k for awareness (raising money for non-profits that help stop bullying), an outreach program designed to give a safe place for kids to go and talk with others who are going through the same thing. I want to help change the laws for bullying, especially cyberbullying which is just as serious in today's society. I want to do whatever I can...I just don't know where to start. and are two great sites to help you get started. Bullying is a serious's more than kids will be kids, it's an epidemic...and it there needs to be change. There needs to be an awareness at what is going on in schools and online and in text messages. If anyone knows how I can go about organizing some of these ideas...please let me know.
My cable was out last night, so I turned on my Netflix and decided to finally watch The BULLY Movie, the documentary that followed the lives of kids being bullied and focused on two sets of parents that had lost their child because of bullying. It was heart wrenching. I cried within the first five minutes. It brought me back to my school years, from fifth grade through high school when I was bullied. In my younger years it was mostly verbal; gossip, lies and rumors but when I got into 8th grade and high school, the Internet also became a place for my peers to bully me. When I was younger, I was picked on for my weight and my hair (which basically stayed the same until sometime in high school), so I tried everything to get skinny. Then, I was picked on and had rumors spread about me being a slut and other horrible things. I could not escape it. I was always too scared to say anything. I use to cut and I thought of suicide on many different occasions, just to escape the whispers and loneliness I felt.
I remember in seventh grade, my group of "best friends" actually had an I hate Lenore club...I found out about it only because the "best friend" played both sides. She would be so friendly to me and we would hang out and have sleepovers and at school they would all talk to me, but then also be very secretive with each other. One night at the girl's house, she had fallen asleep before me, so I went through her note box (back then everyone kept notes they had written in class and such) and found notes between her and guys in my class and my supposed friends all saying how they hated me and I was so ugly and fat and on and on. She use to even have the guys rate the girls and she always made sure I saw how close to the bottom I was. She was a bully. I think I finally realized how badly I was being treated when I was at another one of the girl's houses for a birthday party sleepover. I was excited to, it was boy-girl and we played truth or dare. When my so called "best friend" dared this one guy to kiss me he got a disgusted look and refused, so everyone laughed. I actually remember calling my mom from the kitchen and having her pick me up...knowing they were going to make fun of me as soon as I left...but not wanting to be there because they were going to make it a horrible night for me.
I wish I could say I stood up for myself and so forth, but really what happened was over the summer I spent time with new friends that I had met in my neighborhood and lost weight and gained confidence and friends (real ones) and switched into a magnet program (so I no longer saw those girls) and the leader switched schools. Ironically, I just ended up dealing with a new group of bullies.
And it continued, different bullies, different years, different lies and rumors and reasons.
It needs to stop. I want to help, but I'll admit I don't know exactly how to. I want to organize something; a 5k for awareness (raising money for non-profits that help stop bullying), an outreach program designed to give a safe place for kids to go and talk with others who are going through the same thing. I want to help change the laws for bullying, especially cyberbullying which is just as serious in today's society. I want to do whatever I can...I just don't know where to start.
Monday, August 5, 2013
30 Day Challenge! Mid Week One Update!!!
So I wasn't able to get my measurements in until today...if you can believe dad and I could not find our measuring tape and my fiance couldn't find his...what are the odds? So here they are, you might be wondering why I measured my arm and leg and although I do not know what change might I am gaining muscle through weight lifting, I figured it couldn't hurt to see. And I also realize it is an unusual measurement and one that on your own need not do! :)
Anyways...I figure I'd give some meals I've been eating, workouts I've been doing (both at home and at gym) and...discuss my indulgence day and why I think it never hurts the overall goal to do so once in awhile!
I should start by saying I am a big believer in keeping track of calories and what you eat. I do so by using the free app, MyFitnessPal. It really helps me see how much I eat and where my calories are coming from. And there are of course times when I scan the bar code of my meal (this is usually a work problem) and it does not pop up but I am able to find something similar and use that. I definitely realize that without a kitchen measurements could also be off a few here and there, but overall...since I work does not bother me. I aim to eat about 1200 calories a day and most of my workouts burn between 100 (quick workouts) and 300 calories. My other big thing is serving size! I never realized how much I was eating until I started noticing what was an actual serving of what I was putting in my body! I was amazed! I could easily polish off a can of Pringles and never realizing that usually 15-17 crisps was a serving ( actually quite satisfying).
So here we go, my meals (well a variety of them) for the first few days! As you may notice, dinners are not so much posted..I closed Thurs, Fri and Sunday so my dinner was a protein bar, cheez its or almonds and that was it. I also enjoy breakfast and lunch more because I like to use 3/4 of my calories there...and by the way, I am all for snacks...I just don't always have one because of the times I eat my meals.
So the picture on the left is of my breakfast with my fiance this morning. It's two tortillas (you can use any brand)with three scrambled eggs sprinkled with 1/4 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese and one chopped jalapeno. I usually like to add bacon, but he was out so this was a meatless breakfast. We each ate half the quesadilla and I clocked in at 328 total calories for breakfast. Not bad, and it filled me and gave me energy. My only future changes would be to add bacon, tomato, onion and use a smaller tortilla (especially if only for one person). On the top right is another example of breakfast for me. This is half a bagel (bagels are SO high in calories I never use the whole bagel at once) topped with one scrambled egg with 1 tbsp shredded cheese and 1 tbsp sour cream and a dash of cayenne pepper! I like spice and I enjoy sour cream cause it seems to give flavor for me and I really was amazed at how many calories/sugars in a serving of ketchup! This breakfast was 215 calories (both breakfasts included one cup black regular coffee).
Hips: 33.5
Waist: 27
Bust: 36
Arm (taken around fullest part): 12.5
Leg (also taken around fullest part): 20.5
Anyways...I figure I'd give some meals I've been eating, workouts I've been doing (both at home and at gym) and...discuss my indulgence day and why I think it never hurts the overall goal to do so once in awhile!
As you can see...I've been busy! :)
I should start by saying I am a big believer in keeping track of calories and what you eat. I do so by using the free app, MyFitnessPal. It really helps me see how much I eat and where my calories are coming from. And there are of course times when I scan the bar code of my meal (this is usually a work problem) and it does not pop up but I am able to find something similar and use that. I definitely realize that without a kitchen measurements could also be off a few here and there, but overall...since I work does not bother me. I aim to eat about 1200 calories a day and most of my workouts burn between 100 (quick workouts) and 300 calories. My other big thing is serving size! I never realized how much I was eating until I started noticing what was an actual serving of what I was putting in my body! I was amazed! I could easily polish off a can of Pringles and never realizing that usually 15-17 crisps was a serving ( actually quite satisfying).
So here we go, my meals (well a variety of them) for the first few days! As you may notice, dinners are not so much posted..I closed Thurs, Fri and Sunday so my dinner was a protein bar, cheez its or almonds and that was it. I also enjoy breakfast and lunch more because I like to use 3/4 of my calories there...and by the way, I am all for snacks...I just don't always have one because of the times I eat my meals.
So the picture on the left is of my breakfast with my fiance this morning. It's two tortillas (you can use any brand)with three scrambled eggs sprinkled with 1/4 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese and one chopped jalapeno. I usually like to add bacon, but he was out so this was a meatless breakfast. We each ate half the quesadilla and I clocked in at 328 total calories for breakfast. Not bad, and it filled me and gave me energy. My only future changes would be to add bacon, tomato, onion and use a smaller tortilla (especially if only for one person). On the top right is another example of breakfast for me. This is half a bagel (bagels are SO high in calories I never use the whole bagel at once) topped with one scrambled egg with 1 tbsp shredded cheese and 1 tbsp sour cream and a dash of cayenne pepper! I like spice and I enjoy sour cream cause it seems to give flavor for me and I really was amazed at how many calories/sugars in a serving of ketchup! This breakfast was 215 calories (both breakfasts included one cup black regular coffee).
Now the lunches are very similar except I changed the crunchy snack and the dessert (I try to have my dessert at lunch time), but both are filling and range from 447 to 465 calories. I had bought the laughing cow cheese at work one day, so I decided to use it with my lunches, along with six roasted garlic triscuits (one serving) and one slice of deli sliced ham and a few jalapenos. The sides are whole grain goldfish crackers (55= ONE serving!- but I only had about 35) and a spicy trail mix (1/3 cup= 150 calories). As for my sweet tooth...I LOVE LOVE the Fiber One 90 calorie tastes chocolaty and is fluffy and hits my sweet tooth perfect. Even more so though, I love Atkins Choc Mousse Bars...they taste EXACTLY like a 3 Muskateers...I'm serious!!! I always drink water with lunch and dinner...unless I feel like a glass of milk or OJ...but so far it's been just water. Alright...I feel like another day will be better to give some workout tips! Week one is almost complete...can't wait to see what happens! :)
Friday, August 2, 2013
Weight Loss and the Struggles We All Face
So, I know it's been awhile and I am sorry again. My cousin and her fiance came to visit and I officially started as full time at my job! So, I have been working more mornings and have been exhausted when I got home.
This part three was basically going to be about my final push to getting to a weight I was satisfied with...and although I am good with weighing 135-ish, I would still ideally like to weigh 125. And for anyone thinking that's too low...I am 5'4 and it is still a healthy weight. However, more than the weight I would really like to tone up my body. About two years ago I had gotten my body into a really toned and healthy physique. But I got lazy and stopped putting effort in and gained weight and was back to 150-ish pounds before I started trying again. It's been an on again/off again struggle, but I realize now...that much like relationships and work and life in general...being healthy and happy is work also. I definitely don't believe that it should take over your life and I also believe it's about moderation and understanding and not giving up food you enjoy or going out or just having a night out or whatever! Life in unpredictable and you cannot always control the situation you are in and sometimes those cheesy fries or that bowl of ice cream is exactly what YOU need. :)
I made a decision yesterday that I was going to do a 30 day (ish) challenge. I am going to only weigh in once a week and take pictures at the half way point and the end day. I decided to do this because I wanted to show people that you can get results just by making a few changes.
As you can see from the picture on the left, my starting weight is 134.5 and I'm hoping to have my measurements by tomorrow! My next weigh in will be August 8th and then the 15th, the 22nd and finally the 30th. I will do the pictures and measurements on the 15th and 30th. My goal is at least ten pounds, but I'm not as concerned with the weight as I am the overall fitness. So readers...are you ready to take this journey with me? I will be posting meals and pictures and overall tips I use for workouts, for meals and for health!
This part three was basically going to be about my final push to getting to a weight I was satisfied with...and although I am good with weighing 135-ish, I would still ideally like to weigh 125. And for anyone thinking that's too low...I am 5'4 and it is still a healthy weight. However, more than the weight I would really like to tone up my body. About two years ago I had gotten my body into a really toned and healthy physique. But I got lazy and stopped putting effort in and gained weight and was back to 150-ish pounds before I started trying again. It's been an on again/off again struggle, but I realize now...that much like relationships and work and life in general...being healthy and happy is work also. I definitely don't believe that it should take over your life and I also believe it's about moderation and understanding and not giving up food you enjoy or going out or just having a night out or whatever! Life in unpredictable and you cannot always control the situation you are in and sometimes those cheesy fries or that bowl of ice cream is exactly what YOU need. :)
I made a decision yesterday that I was going to do a 30 day (ish) challenge. I am going to only weigh in once a week and take pictures at the half way point and the end day. I decided to do this because I wanted to show people that you can get results just by making a few changes.
As you can see from the picture on the left, my starting weight is 134.5 and I'm hoping to have my measurements by tomorrow! My next weigh in will be August 8th and then the 15th, the 22nd and finally the 30th. I will do the pictures and measurements on the 15th and 30th. My goal is at least ten pounds, but I'm not as concerned with the weight as I am the overall fitness. So readers...are you ready to take this journey with me? I will be posting meals and pictures and overall tips I use for workouts, for meals and for health!
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