Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weight and the Struggles...Part 2!

Hellllo! So in case you missed part 1, posted on's a link to it: Weight Part 1

         And now on to part I lost the weight. Like I ended with, in July of 2009 I had made a decision that it was time to get healthy and once I did that it was full speed ahead. Nowadays, most people can't believe I ever weighed upwards of 185/190lbs. To be honest, I knew I wanted to lose the weight, but I wasn't sure how to get started. I didn't want to spend money on programs so I followed behind my dad, who through the Atkins program (the original one) lost about 25lbs. I was not looking for a miracle, but I was looking for something that could jump start my weight loss and be a drawing board for new habits. And with the help of my dad, I began Atkins Induction. Some people choose to stay on the Atkins lifestyle, I on the other hand just did Induction and then made changes to my eating habits and workouts. After a few days on Atkins, I decided to slowly incorporate exercise. I started with walking on the treadmill and using the elliptical. I was lucky enough to have a gym in my neighborhood that I could use, but if that had not been an option...I would have just walked outside (honestly!). After 3 weeks of no sugar and lots of protein and restricted carbs, I had lost 20-ish pounds. I decided that was my stopping point with Atkins (nothing against continuing...I just wanted to create a lifestyle that I could maintain) and came up with my guidelines.
  • No more Soda! (I had stopped because of Atkins, but decided I didn't want to get back into that...haven't had one since)
  • Last meal at 830pm (this one had some wiggle room, but I did not want it to be an every day thing)
  • More Water! (I use to only drink maybe a glass or two a other drinks were always loaded with sugar and calories and I wanted water to become my primary solution to thirst)
  • Be Active! (I liked how I felt after a workout and I wanted to continue feeling that way)
             By the end of 2009, I weighed 140-145lbs and had continued to be active. I really got into running in 2011 and that really helped me to get into the 130s and stay there. I maintained the 140-145 for about a year (sometimes I would hit into the upper 130s, but never really stayed there). I was not exactly where I wanted to be yet, but I was definitely getting there. I was more confident and a lot happier. I had even gotten into a new relationship (and now he's my fiance!). The amazing thing is...he liked me before I lost the weight (what a sweetheart!!)

 The two pictures I've included are from a family cruise I took in Dec of 2009, after losing roughly 45lbs. I should also mention that when I was at my heaviest I wore a size 12/13 and was a 36DD and in these pictures I am wearing a size 8/9 and a 36C.

I don't want to make this post toooo long, so I'm going to stop it here and do a part three (which will be up to the present) tomorrow :)
I definitely promise to start sharing some meal ideas and ways to motivate yourself in future blogs!

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