Sunday, July 14, 2013

Two Places At Once!

I recently went on vacation to Tennessee; Gatlinburg to be more specific. I was there for July 4th week. And I loved it. I don't know how many readers out there have a bucket list...but I do. And although I've traveled to Europe and gone to the Caribbean numerous times, I have yet to really experience the United States beyond like four states! So one of the things on my bucket list is to visit and experience all 5o of the United States! So this trip was especially amazing because of that. I spent a day (which is in no way long enough) in Savannah, Georgia and found it to be beautiful and historical and interesting :) and then I spent 5 and a half days in Tennessee. I wish I could have seen more (ie: Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga) but there is always next time for that and experiencing the Smoky Mountains was something I, as a Florida native, never experienced before!

I took this trip with my fiance...
Not the greatest picture but we were tired lol

And as the most amazing man ever...he remembered how badly I have always wanted to be in two places at once! (A dream I fell in love with after READING Nicholas Sparks' A Walk to Remember--amazing novel by the way) And so whenever he got the chance he made my dream come true. This by the way is another item on my bucket list which I successfully crossed off my list. I took a photo at the Florida/Geogria line and then later in the Smoky Mountains, there is a spot by Newfound Gap where you can literally stand in North Carolina and Tennesse and take a picture which he of course was so excited to do for me. It was so cool to do that because I had never physically been in two places at once and it meant so much to me that he remembered and made it happen.

Do any of you have bucket lists? What kind of items are on it? Have you knocked a few off your list? Is it something you make a conscious effort to do or something that happens when the opportunity reveals itself?

I also have skydiving, getting a tattoo, learning Ukranian (cultural reason!) and dancing in the rain as a few of my other bucket list items. And knowing Marco, he will definitely help me make my dreams come true! <3

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