Wednesday, November 20, 2013

One Week Left! Gobble Gobble!

I know I said it before...but I truly love the Holiday Season! I love the food, the crafts, the weather (as "fall" and "winter" as I can get in S.Fl), the decorations and most importantly the time with my family!

We use to do a HUGE Thanksgiving when we lived in Broward family in Miami would come up and it would be huge! When my grandparents were still alive, we would pick them up and they would it spend it with us too and if my uncle and aunt were in town, they would also join. It was so much fun. After we moved to Palm Beach...and all the kids were older (16-18), the families did their own thing. Except, my uncle and aunt...they always came up and brought my grandmother. A few years ago...all that stopped and now my grandmother is no longer with Thanksgiving is really just me with my mom, dad and brother. My fiance came over for the first time last year, and I'm hoping that he joins us again or that his whole family does!

Over the last few years (at least the last 7!), I always help my dad with the cooking. EVERYTHING! Christmas gets REALLY crazy! We go all out! :) Thanksgiving is much more simple...Turkey, Sweet Potatoes (White Potatoes for my brother), stuffing and rolls. Of course...pumpkin pie for dessert. This year..I also want to make this delicious sounding Brussels sprouts recipe and a yummy salad. We don't make too many side dishes because it's only 4-5 people eating. I also want to make a creative appetizer (still playing around with some ideas) for everyone to snack on while we cook. We go big on wine, but I want to see about creating an after dinner cocktail or trying out a fall sangria recipe I found.

What are your must have favorites for Thanksgiving? Do you travel or do you host? Are there any special traditions your family does?

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