Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weight and the Struggles...Part 2!

Hellllo! So in case you missed part 1, posted on's a link to it: Weight Part 1

         And now on to part I lost the weight. Like I ended with, in July of 2009 I had made a decision that it was time to get healthy and once I did that it was full speed ahead. Nowadays, most people can't believe I ever weighed upwards of 185/190lbs. To be honest, I knew I wanted to lose the weight, but I wasn't sure how to get started. I didn't want to spend money on programs so I followed behind my dad, who through the Atkins program (the original one) lost about 25lbs. I was not looking for a miracle, but I was looking for something that could jump start my weight loss and be a drawing board for new habits. And with the help of my dad, I began Atkins Induction. Some people choose to stay on the Atkins lifestyle, I on the other hand just did Induction and then made changes to my eating habits and workouts. After a few days on Atkins, I decided to slowly incorporate exercise. I started with walking on the treadmill and using the elliptical. I was lucky enough to have a gym in my neighborhood that I could use, but if that had not been an option...I would have just walked outside (honestly!). After 3 weeks of no sugar and lots of protein and restricted carbs, I had lost 20-ish pounds. I decided that was my stopping point with Atkins (nothing against continuing...I just wanted to create a lifestyle that I could maintain) and came up with my guidelines.
  • No more Soda! (I had stopped because of Atkins, but decided I didn't want to get back into that...haven't had one since)
  • Last meal at 830pm (this one had some wiggle room, but I did not want it to be an every day thing)
  • More Water! (I use to only drink maybe a glass or two a other drinks were always loaded with sugar and calories and I wanted water to become my primary solution to thirst)
  • Be Active! (I liked how I felt after a workout and I wanted to continue feeling that way)
             By the end of 2009, I weighed 140-145lbs and had continued to be active. I really got into running in 2011 and that really helped me to get into the 130s and stay there. I maintained the 140-145 for about a year (sometimes I would hit into the upper 130s, but never really stayed there). I was not exactly where I wanted to be yet, but I was definitely getting there. I was more confident and a lot happier. I had even gotten into a new relationship (and now he's my fiance!). The amazing thing is...he liked me before I lost the weight (what a sweetheart!!)

 The two pictures I've included are from a family cruise I took in Dec of 2009, after losing roughly 45lbs. I should also mention that when I was at my heaviest I wore a size 12/13 and was a 36DD and in these pictures I am wearing a size 8/9 and a 36C.

I don't want to make this post toooo long, so I'm going to stop it here and do a part three (which will be up to the present) tomorrow :)
I definitely promise to start sharing some meal ideas and ways to motivate yourself in future blogs!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Weight and the CONSTANT Ups and Downs Part 1

Two days in a row! I really am going to put much more effort into blogging often. I cant guarantee that I'll make a post everyday or that everyday it'll be something crafty or food-related, but I do promise to be as me as possible! :) So, I still live at home, but I'm planning to move out with my fiance in the coming months. The reason I say this is because I spend a lot of time (which I'm grateful for) with my family and my brother and dad both know a lot about me wanting to be a writer and attempting to become a better blogger. Although I do not want this blog to be completely about weight-loss, workouts or nutrition...I feel as though it's something so many people can relate to and it can be motivational to hear someone else's story...especially if the person reading is struggling themselves. Now...I am in NO way an expert or anything in the field of nutrition, weight-loss or fitness, BUT I do know what worked/works for me and I think it's important to hear these stories and adapt to what works best for you!

This is me in 2003, at 17.
That being said, I wanted to take time today to share my story. I have always struggled with weight. When I was in fifth grade, I remember gaining weight and continued to do so in sixth and seventh grade. I was still active, but as I was entering my pre-teen years, the hormonal changes in my body were definitely reacting to what I was eating, which was the usual kid food of hot dogs, mac and cheese, fries, chocolate and chips. However after seventh grade I met this group of neighborhood kids that were always out and about so I was ten times more active then I had been. The only downside...I was eating fact, so much less that my mom would refuse to let me leave the house until I ate a full meal. Needless to say...I lost all my extra weight and at 5'2/5'3, I weighed about 105/110lbs. But this too was unhealthy. Now as I went through high school I battled between counting every calorie and going on diets just because I gained 3-5lbs and even hitting low points of insane exercising and diet pills. This was all because I was scared to be overweight again. 

Me in 2007
Me in May 2009
Fast forward to 2006 (two years after I graduated high school and had moved from my childhood city to Wellington) and I was in a new relationship with a guy who could eat ten meals a day and not work out at all and stay the same weight. This and my lack of activity caused me to overeat and under exercise and I gained weight. A lot of weight. When I moved to Wellington in 2004, I weighed about 120/125 at 5'4 and although I was not tone or fit, I was mostly satisfied, and I maintained that for a few years. Around mid/late 2007, I had started gaining weight and although I was unhappy about it, I didn't do anything to change it. In fact, I continued eating badly and not exercising and by June/July 2009, I weighed approx. 185lbs.

     This picture to the left is me at what was probably my heaviest. It was taken in June 2009 and was one of the last pictures before I started my journey to becoming healthy and fit. I wish I could say that seeing this picture, among others taken during that time led me to a desire to get healthy and stop having to buy newer, bigger clothes every few months...but it wasn't. Granted, something in me changed and I remember in July of 2009 sitting in my room, in bed and watching reruns of The Biggest Loser and I was drawn instantly to Ali and her struggles. When she won and I discovered that she had maintained and was an advocate for healthy living, I realized I could do it too.

Alright readers...I have to jet off to work, but Wednesday I'll be back with how I lost the weight, the struggles I've had and how I work to make sure I am never that unhealthy, depressed, tired and confident lacking woman again!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Two Places At Once!

I recently went on vacation to Tennessee; Gatlinburg to be more specific. I was there for July 4th week. And I loved it. I don't know how many readers out there have a bucket list...but I do. And although I've traveled to Europe and gone to the Caribbean numerous times, I have yet to really experience the United States beyond like four states! So one of the things on my bucket list is to visit and experience all 5o of the United States! So this trip was especially amazing because of that. I spent a day (which is in no way long enough) in Savannah, Georgia and found it to be beautiful and historical and interesting :) and then I spent 5 and a half days in Tennessee. I wish I could have seen more (ie: Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga) but there is always next time for that and experiencing the Smoky Mountains was something I, as a Florida native, never experienced before!

I took this trip with my fiance...
Not the greatest picture but we were tired lol

And as the most amazing man ever...he remembered how badly I have always wanted to be in two places at once! (A dream I fell in love with after READING Nicholas Sparks' A Walk to Remember--amazing novel by the way) And so whenever he got the chance he made my dream come true. This by the way is another item on my bucket list which I successfully crossed off my list. I took a photo at the Florida/Geogria line and then later in the Smoky Mountains, there is a spot by Newfound Gap where you can literally stand in North Carolina and Tennesse and take a picture which he of course was so excited to do for me. It was so cool to do that because I had never physically been in two places at once and it meant so much to me that he remembered and made it happen.

Do any of you have bucket lists? What kind of items are on it? Have you knocked a few off your list? Is it something you make a conscious effort to do or something that happens when the opportunity reveals itself?

I also have skydiving, getting a tattoo, learning Ukranian (cultural reason!) and dancing in the rain as a few of my other bucket list items. And knowing Marco, he will definitely help me make my dreams come true! <3